Our Director's Teacher, Swami Kailashananda
Swami Kailashananda, also known as Yogi
Gupta, was one of the very first Yoga Masters to bring Hatha
Yoga to America. In 1954, he was invited to speak at a Health
Convention in Chicago, and thereafter he began teaching in
the U.S.
Born in Kanpur in Northern India, he
practiced law before renouncing all worldly ties and being
ordained as a monk in Benares (in the Holy Order of Sanyasa)
as Swami Kailashananda. He practiced yoga in the Himalaya
Mountains until mastering 9 forms of Yoga; and he was an Acharya
of the Yoga Vedanta Forest University.
In 1952, he established the Kailashananda
Mission Trust (including the Kailashananda Nature Cure Centre),
in Rishikesh, India, which has been serving humanity continuously
since that time.
Our Director's Teacher, Swami Kailashanandaji, left the
body in May, 2011. Please join us in honoring him with our Fire Ritual (by clicking the icon below).
This traditional yogic ceremony marks important events and rites of passage. At
some points, we also perform the fire ritual for self-healing.

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