Ancient Culture's Prayer Embraces World Peace

The presenter is a Sanskrit Scholar, Dr. Avinash Sathaye

The Literal Translation of the Sanskrit to English

Om DyauH ShAntiH
May the heavens be in peace
antarikshaM ShAntiH
May the sky be in peace

pruthivI ShAntiH
May the earth be in peace

ApaH ShAntiH
May the fluids be in peace

OSHdhayaH ShantiH
May the medicinal plants be in peace

vanaspatayaH ShAntiH
May the whole plant life be in peace

vishve devAH ShAntiH
May all souls be in peace

brahma ShAntiH
May every living entity be in peace

sarvam ShAntiH
May everything in the universe be in peace

ShAntireva ShAntiH
May the peace itself be permanent!

sA mA ShAntiredhi
And may this permanent peace be with me at all times

Om ShAntiH ShAntiH ShAntiH Om
Om peace, peace peace Om!!!



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